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The first time I tried to meditate, it did not go well. It ending after a minute and I thought to myself…. "How am I ever going to learn this? How do people do this? I can’t last a minute!"

However, I stuck to it because I knew all the benefits that meditation provides such as….

  • Lowers stress
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Improves mental health
  • Improves being present in the moment
  • Increases concentration and attention span
  • Reduces memory loss
  • Generates empathy and kindness
  • Improves sleep
  • Lowers pain
  • Reduces negative thoughts
  • Allows you to improve patience and tolerance

And so many more….but hopefully you get the point.

I knew that learning this skill would help me. It was not easy. I didn’t commit right away, as I was super skeptical…..

Well, what I found out was that consistency matters.

I learned that had to commit to the practice in order for it to work - that it takes time to actually reap the benefits.

I am so glad that I stuck with it. It ended up being a gateway drug for my brain to open up enough mental clarity to continue my healing journey.

However, I also learned that it’s not easy to do it when no one else around you meditates.


When you commit to these 5 days of meditation, you will be able to:

  • Go through a guided meditation with me each day
  • Help jump-start your own practice
  • Learn what you’ve maybe been doing is actually holding you back from incorporating this practice.
  • Learn how to incorporate this practice into your daily life

This 5-Day Breath Commitment is going to be game-changing for anyone who’s experiencing anxiety.

Because learning how to meditate and manage your 86,0000 thoughts a day is life-changing.

This was the first thing that I learned to reduce my fear & anxiety, and I want to share this with you!


Purchase today to receive recordings of each of these 5 sessions, so you can kickstart your meditation journey.


